How to Care for a Kalanchoe Plant: Best Care Tips 


Keeping houseplants isn’t amazing? Well, if you are willing to have an indoor plant, then a kalanchoe houseplant is a good fit. Though, you can grow it outdoors as well. Then, how to care for a kalanchoe plant? 

The good thing is that the kalanchoe plants are succulent, hence there is no need to water them every day. The leaves are capable of storing water, and they will stay alright even if you don’t water them for a few days. But it is ok for sometimes, as every plant needs care from time to time. However, it is said to be a lucky plant, which brings wealth and prosperity to your life. 

What Is A Kalanchoe Plant? 

What Is A Kalanchoe Plant

Kalanchoes are the beautiful succulents that are frequently found at garden shops or florists. Mostly they are grown indoors, but making areas favorable to them similar to their native land of Madagascar can help in growing them outdoors. 

The botanical name of this species is “kalanchoe blossfeldiana”, which blooms its flowers during spring, summer, and winter. The care of such flowers is easy with no strict rules. 

The kalanchoes plant is a short, bushy, and decent plant with oval-shaped, thick scalloped leaves. At the end of the well-built stem, a cluster of star-like blooms appears. The sparkling colors of the flowers come in red, orange, lavender, white, yellow, and pink. Some unique varieties of kalanchoe also have bi-colored flowers. العاب المال   These plants are great to experience the blossoms during the long winter months. The blooms on kalanchoe may stay up to 8 weeks. Shorter days of winters are the reason for their beautiful blooms of flowers. 

Kalanchoe Plants Benefits

It has been confirmed that it has anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant, and pain-relieving properties. Kalanchoe plants can reduce fever and pain. Also, provides immunomodulatory effects.  

Why Should You Care For Kalanchoe Plants?  

A little care is essential for every plant, and also the texture of the soil, temperature, and light conditions play a very important role in the growth of any plant. Hence, to experience the flowers bloom, you need to care for the plant. Apart from this, the succulent plants have some pests and disease problems, which may interfere with their natural growth. 

Also Read: A complete guide to lipstick plant care 

We will discuss step by step every particular thing to remember while growing kalanchoe plants in your home. 

How To Care For A Kalanchoe Plant?

The main elements in plant care include:-

  • Light conditions 
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Pest control
  • Disease control
  • Flowering 
  • Pruning
  • Propagation 

Light conditions 

Kalanchoe plant requires bright indirect light. They can tolerate direct sun during the winter and spring. Direct sunlight in the summer may cause leaves to burn. The blooms are photo-periodically induced. The darker the environment, the more the flowers will produce. That’s why the winter season is suitable for the growth of flowers. 


Kalanchoe grows well in low humidity more. These plants are vulnerable to disease in high humidity levels such as leaf spots. 


Excessive cold environments may damage the kalanchoe plant. A low temperature below 4C is not suitable for their growth. The indoor kalanchoe likes warm temperatures from 15-18C. Try to keep away the plants from the open window in winters and from cold drafts. 


Prefer light soil composed of sand, perlite, and peat moss, which drains well. Do not forget to add an equal amount of sander good drainage while using a basic store potting soil. 


As we have already discussed that these are succulent plants, which don’t need water on a regular basis. The leaves are capable enough to store water. Leave 50% of the soil dry while watering the plant, as the soil overflowed which may cause root rot. The damage to the roots will inhibit the growth of plants. By following the correct method of watering, you will prevent the plant from pests and some harmful diseases. Wet leaves give favorable conditions for the disease, hence, keep the leaves dry. 


Fertilize the plant monthly, when growing actively by diluting a plant food in nitrogen, in half the amount than recommended. Water the soil with plain water, if you find soil dry, before fertilizing. 

Pest control 

Though kalanchoe plants are resistant to pests, when kept outdoors they can attract mites, scales, and aphids during summer. These plants are highly sensitive to chemical insecticides. Hence when looking for treatment for plant pest infestation, always use the” green solution”, yellow sticky cards, insecticidal soap, or neem oil. 

Disease control 

As these plants are very sensitive to high moisture, hence try to keep the leaves dry. The wet leaves are prone to leaf spot disease and powdery mildew. The best way to prevent disease is to water carefully, take care of overwatering, and provide the plant with good air circulation. 


For good growth, remove the faded flowers or blooms as soon as they appear. This will encourage more flowers to grow. Keep the kalanchoe plant in darkness for at least 14 hours in darkness, starting in October. And place it in indirect sunlight during the daytime. 


Remove the unwanted faded flowers as soon they appear. Cut the back stems to keep the plant bushy. 


The best ways to propagate a kalanchoe are stem cutting, plant division, and offsets. Be careful while cutting the stems. Always ensure to cut the ends of the stem to dry before 24 hours of planting it. Drying before planting will prevent it from developing root rot. 

I hope you get all points on how to care for a kalanchoe plant.

Is the Kalanchoe Plant Poisonous?

Yes, the kalanchoes are poisonous. These succulents contain the naturally occurring poison that affects the heart. The toxins resemble digoxin and digitoxin, which both are common heart medications for humans and animals. Almost all the parts of this plant are poisonous and the severity of the poisoning depends on the amount of plant consumed.  Even the water in the kalanchoe vase is toxic. Be careful while pampering your plant. Though, there is no need to concern if you read about it and follow accordingly. 


This is about how to care for a kalanchoe plant. Kalanchoe plants are extremely good indoors. Though it can be grown outdoors by making the environment similar to its native environment. The botanical name of the plant is kalanchoe blossfeldiana. A little care is important for every plant for encouraging their growth and to keep them healthy. They favor a little warm temperature of about 15-18C, hence it may damage in extremely cold environments. Indirect bright light is favorable for the plant. Apart from this, a low humidity level and adequate watering are essential. The leaves are capable of storing water, hence wait for half of the soil to dry and then put the water. A timely fertilizer and pest control are also essential. Kalanchoe plants are poisonous as they contain the same toxins as present in digoxin and digitoxin, which both are the medicine for the heart in humans and animals. Almost all parts are poisonous. Hence be careful while consuming the plant. Though it has anti-inflammatory effects too, which helps in reducing fever and pain. 

Frequently Asked Questions


How do you care for a kalanchoe plant indoors?

The lively indoors need minimal water, require complete dry soil before watering, which further reduces during winters. Hence, let the soil of kalanchoe completely dry between waterings. Therefore, water them once they reach their saturation point.

Is a kalanchoe plant indoor or outdoor?

Kalanchoes are completely indoors and hardly placed outdoors. These are the prettiest succulent houseplant, that keeps on providing blooms throughout the month if properly kept.

How do I get my Kalanchoe to bloom again?

To make your kalanchoe bloom again, keep it warm and away from drafts. As the plant is in the dormant phase, don’t feed or water it for 6 weeks. As early you see the flower buds, move the plant to bright light and carry on with watering. Take care of the plant throughout spring and remove the depleted flowers to encourage new buds.

Can kalanchoe be grown from cuttings?

Yes, kalanchoe can be grown from stem cuttings and produces the best plants and quick roots. For growing kalanchoes from vegetative stems, let the cuttings place in a warm and dry location to form a lump on the end. Now plant the cutting in pre-damped peat and perlite soil up to the first leaf.

Do kalanchoes like full sun?

Kalanchoes, being an indoor plant in cold climates, grow their best in full sun or bright indirect sunlight with very well-drained soil.

Why is my kalanchoe plant dying?

Overwatering can cause kalanchoes to get root rot, or to die. Although, saving them in the early stages is easier as some of the parts of the plant will be still alive. Kalanchoes can store water in their stems and leaves. القمار على الانترنت They are tolerant of drought and prolonged arid conditions.

When should I repot my Kalanchoe?

Well, for promoting good growth and a fresh look, you must repot your succulent kalanchoes every two years. The new soil and growth medium will provide better conditions for them to bloom frequently. Thus, take it as a thumb rule, that when it’s over two years of kalanchoes in the same container, transfer it to the new container with fresh potting soil.

How long do kalanchoe plants live?

Kalanchoes live longer than one year. That’s why you can control its vegetative or flowering phase based on your choice. However, flowering occurs more often during winters.

Do Kalanchoe come back every year?

Kalanchoes are deciduous perennial plants that are succulent and have evergreen leaves and bloom flowers. لعبة روليت مباشر Although kalanchoes might lose some foliage during winter and go dormant, the plant will stay alive underground under typical winter conditions in its growing zones.

How big does a kalanchoe plant get?

Kalanchoes get 6-12 inches big with plumpy succulent leaves. They grow well outdoors in tropical environments.

Anjali Ved

Anjali ved is an enthusiastic writer in the health & lifestyle-related niche. She has been writing various blogs and articles on medical niches. Apart from this, she also holds a degree in medicine and an experience of two years.

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