The Health Fact

Red Spiders: How To Identify And Get Rid Of Them

red spiders


Red spiders are the exclusive species of genus “Nesticodes”, usually found inside house corners or in building webs, or under the furniture.

It was first introduced by Allan frost archer in 1950.

These are small red-colored species that are common to spot in the home corners and have been preying on small insects like flies or mosquitoes.


Size:- generally females are bigger than males. The females are about ⅕ to ⅓ of an inch in length excluding the legs. 

Color:- the body is red, while in some individuals it ranges up to shades of orange or brown. 

Another features:-The round abdomen has a red mark underside just similar to that of a black widow spider.

How Do They Enter My Home?

They typically enter your home through some cracks or holes, finding their way to a dark and cool place for a nest. They usually prefer dark and cool rooms to stay. 

Where You May Spot Them?

They create a web that looks like a huge mass of webbing that is attached to the walls and floors at various points.

As they can meet you outdoors as well as indoors, in harsh winter weather or in search of food they may enter your home. Some of the locations may be:-

Do Red House Spiders Bite?

Red house spiders aren’t harmful, as they may bite in self-defense when their web is disturbed. Their bite may be painful, but its venom is non-necrotic, hence, does not cause any serious symptoms. Some mild irritation may occur like redness, swelling, or pain.

What Are Tiny Red Spiders?

Similar to red spiders, there is one more creature named tiny red spiders or clover mites, which possesses a small size than the red house spider. These red bugs can be a big threat to your inside plants. They will lay waste to your plants if left undetected. These are houses occupying tiny mites that possess long front legs.

Although, the “spider” is a misleading term, as they are mites in reality. Though, it has 8 legs and spins webs and belongs to the same class of Arachnids.

They are often misunderstood by their habit of forming a silky web in their place of infestation. 

Do Tiny Red Spider Bites?

Tiny spiders do not bite, but rather have an annoying personalities. If they are smashed if spotted by someone over carpet or wall, it leaves a red stain over that place.

Does Red Spider Mites Red Widow Spider?

The red widow spiders go up to 1.5 inches in size and are very commonly spotted in Florida. The adult species like to eat large insects like crickets and grasshoppers and other large insects.

The red widow has a reddish head region and a dark reddish-brown to the black abdomen. The underneath of the abdomen may bear the hourglass red markings or either just a distinct red mark. Thus, it may have an hourglass shape and may resemble widow features.

Does Red Widow Bites?

Yes, they do bite and their bite is similar to a black widow has. It belongs to the family of a black widow, which is highly venomous. There are chances of some mild symptoms to severe. The spider secretes some neurotoxins to trap their prey and injects it with its venom. The venom of the red widow is more potent than a rattlesnake. 

It can cause high blood pressure, and muscle spasms, with extreme sweating and nausea.


The red house spiders breed all through the year. The females make an egg sac, that will be kept near the web, not directly on it.

How To Get Rid of Red House Spiders?

As you know that these enter your home in search of their food and shelter. Their food is large insects like crickets, grasshoppers, larder beetles, ants, houseflies, etc.

Thus, by controlling the indoor pests, you can get rid of this. And if unfortunately, there is an infestation around your home or building, better to take action soon.

How Would I Know If There Is An Infestation?

The appearance of the egg sac, spiders, or remainders of prey are signs of an infestation around you. 

What Preventions I Can Take to Minimize The Household Pests?

To get rid of pest around your home, you can take the following steps:-


Red house spiders are the red-colored spider species, that will meet you in the corners of your closet or storerooms. They enter houses through cracks or holes in walls. If there is the presence of an egg sac or remnants of prey, this may be a sign of infestation around your home. Some species resembles quite similar features but aren’t red house spider, for instance, red widow spider, tiny red spider, and jumping spider. Red house spiders are not harmful to humans, as their venom is non- necrotic. They only may bite when their web is disturbed, or either in self-defense. The main reason for their presence inside homes is the household pests. Thus, by cleaning up the clutter, and remains of food, applying some pesticide sprays may help you out in getting rid of these small creatures.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are red spiders dangerous?

No, red spiders aren’t dangerous and can be spotted easily at the home, garden, or building corners. Though, they can bite if you try to disturb them, in self-defense. Pain and a little irritation might be felt on the skin which is not life-threatening, as their venom isn’t necrotic. These housepets aren’t aggressive until you disturb their web. Hence, be cautious while cleaning webs from your home’s corner.

What kind of spider is red?

Red spider belongs to the species woodlouse spider that preys upon woodlice primarily.

Species:- D.crocata
Genus:- Dysdera
Family:- Dysderidae

Are tiny red spiders dangerous?

No, they are not dangerous to people or pests and most probably won’t harm your plants or lawn. You can spot these tiny red spiders or clover mites in late spring to early summer. They may migrate from the grass as the population tends to grow large. They aren’t harmful and leave a red stain while we smash them.

Why are there red spiders in my house?

Red spiders enter your home through cracks, holes, and tiny openings of doors and windows. افضل موقع مراهنات كرة القدم They usually enter to find a shelter to stay and prevent themselves from the extremely hot weather outside. Or else, the reason you are spotting a huge number of red spiders is the presence of an infestation around your building. There are some tiny mites known as clover mites that look similar to red spiders but aren’t.

What does red spider mite look like?

These are the tiny red mites moving around underneath plant leaves. Despite the name, they look way different than red spiders. They are usually of yellowish-green color with two dark patches. In the autumn they become reddish-orange or can be dark the rest of the time. Spotting them isn’t easy, as the females have a size of only 0.4mm long and males are even smaller than this. Red spider mites also have eight legs similar to the other spiders.

How do you kill tiny red spiders?

Killing tiny red spiders is not that hard. However, their wide population may create problems in clearing the invasion. But there is one simple solution to get rid of these tiny creatures- rinsing. Yes, rinsing the plant thoroughly can rinse off the mites effectively. The water force over the plant can kill the mites. Here you got a simple setback of releasing your plant from the chase of these tiny red spiders.

Can red spider mites live on humans?

No, red spider mites do not live on humans, and neither do they live indoors and transmit any disease. Though they may cause some skin rash over the animal and human body, they may cause itching and redness over the bite spot. When they are in a large population, they can cause numerous bites over the body. Concluding all we can say these tiny bugs do not cause a severe reaction.

Can you see red spider mites?

Yes, you can see red spider mites underside of the plants’ branches and leaves. However, you would not be able to see it’s detailing with naked eyes. موقع مراهنات A magnifying glass will make it easy. You will spot its legs, the color of the whole body. Usually, the red spider mites are all red.

Will clover mites go away?

Yes, they will go away eventually, as they die at home not able to plant life to eat and also don’t feed on blood. Home isn’t the natural environment for them to live in, still can reproduce widely. Well, to get rid of these mites, your home methods will be helpful. For instance, spraying a pesticide at the place of infestation may clear off them.

Where do red spider mites live?

Internationally they are the most common two-spotted spider mite occasionally known as red spider mites and have two dark spots on whichever side of their bodies. These are widely found in orchards, fields, greenhouses, gardens, and yards. And sometimes found in indoor environments too.

Does vinegar kill spider mites?

Yes, vinegar can help in killing red mites being highly acidic. You can make a vinegar spray pesticide by mixing one-fourth cup of vinegar, one tsp of baking soda, with few drops of liquid dish soap in a quarter of lukewarm water. Spray this solution wherever you find mites until they completely disappear.

How do I get rid of red spider mites in my garden?

Well, you can use a variety of methods and choose according to your preference and mites growth.

Spray calcium-free water:- calcium-free water is soft and will create a moist environment that will clear the mites.

Showering:- it includes bathing the plant by wrapping the pot in a plastic bag to avoid soil drainage. The shower on plants will clear them off.

Wipe a moist cloth on leaves:- wipe the leaves with a gentle moist cloth daily until you won’t see the mites anymore.

Rubbing alcohol:- wipe the plant foliages with rubbing alcohol and let it sit for a few hours, then rinse the plant thoroughly with water. You can also use dish soap.

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