The Health Fact

Is sore throat Covid Symptom: What are The Other Reasons for a Sore Throat

Amid the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, even a mild sore throat may haunt you, that what if I have coronavirus infection. But is every sore throat covid symptom?

A sore throat is quite common among every age group of people. It gets off as the illness goes. A sore throat may range from mild to severe depending upon the cause of infection. Most commonly you get it from the common cold, with a runny nose and a slight fever. Or either if you wake up the next morning after chilling in the party, screaming the lyrics, and drinking shots you know it’s not gonna be coronavirus that’s causing a sore throat.

Sore throat covid symptom

Covid-19 infection is a communicable respiratory illness, possesses a lot of symptoms including a sore throat. But we should not forget that other symptoms are also much more common. A sore throat is a symptom of covid-19 undoubtedly, but it is well archived that when exactly it happens during the track of the infection.

The other respiratory condition such as a common cold can also cause a sore throat in early symptoms. As the respiratory viruses are inhaled and enter your nose and throat, replicate there and cause irritation and soreness.

Related article:-Flu v/s covid-19  

What are the other symptoms of covid-19?

Apart from a sore throat, coronavirus infection has a list of other symptoms:-

Still, the researches and studies are going on the symptoms of covid-19. Within the duration of this epidemic, a variety of other symptoms have been observed. The type and intensity of the symptoms might change with time.

Overall, we can conclude that the sore throat covid symptom is less common. Viewing the studies from china authorized by the world health organization revealed that out of the 55,000 infected cases, only 13.9% reported a sore throat. A few other studies in china found it in only 5% and 7.1% of the cases.

Sore throat covid or common cold

According to the vice president of clinical specialty services for OSF health care, having a sore throat is generally not a topic to dwell on.
Your throat may displease you because of allergy, and pollution, and overuse. For example, if you are a customer care executive, then talking over the headphones throughout the day might cause you an irritating throat sometimes. Smoking on the other hand also contributes to the soreness in the throat. But if the symptoms stay for more than a week, you should consult your doctor.

If you develop any other symptoms associated with the common cold such as high fever, runny nose, congestion, and body aches, you should test for covid-19. Due to the similarity in the symptoms a diagnosis is important. The virus responsible for the common cold and that of covid-19 infection is the same- coronavirus, which causes similar symptoms.

Even the mild symptoms of coronavirus infection can spread the infection to others. An average person’s mild symptoms can put others at risk of infection.
Only sore throat is less likely to be covid-19, but with other symptoms, it can be covid-19. Hence a confirmation is essential if the symptoms stay for too long. Or either it will be more good if you make distance from your family members when feeling the covid associated symptoms.

Other reasons for sore throat

There are enough reasons for feeling sore throat. The possible reasons are:-

Allergies:- allergies can be the possible reason for so. The dust, mud, or pollens may enter your respiratory system, and be recognized as a foreign particle. Therefore, it releases histamines as a result, leading to a sore throat.

Strep throat:- if you have a sore throat and fever with no runny nose, it could be a strep throat. Having a single lump on one side of the throat is also a symptom of strep throat.

Mononucleosis:- if the sore throat follows a low fever and extreme fatigue, it can be mononucleosis. People experience this in their 20s on average.

Influenza:- it is one of the illnesses that resembles a covid-19 infection. Which is characterized by a sudden sore throat and followed by body pain, headaches, and fever.

Hence, it is clear that only sore throat is not an indication of covid-19 infection. In case you have a common cold, drinking plenty of fluids and sufficient rest will help in overcoming the sickness. Or else, some over-the-counter medicines can relieve the cold.


Sore throat is one of the common illnesses among all ages. But amid the pandemic of covid-19 everyone is concerned even after the mild sore throat. Is sore throat covid infection? The answer will be no. As through the studies, it has been found that a sore throat is less likely to be a covid symptom. Although, if the sore throat is followed by other covid symptoms, it may be covid-19. There may be other reasons for a sore throat such as allergies, influenza, mononucleosis, and the common cold. A test is important to evaluate the infection. However, self-medication or searching treatments on the internet is not the right way. Talk to your doctor and find the cause, thus, treat accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can Covid cause sore throat?

A sore throat, cough, and chest congestion are the common symptoms of covid. Although the symptoms may differ in everyone, a sore throat is one of the noticeable symptoms of covid. The covid-19 disease is a respiratory illness that affects our nose, throat, and lungs. As the virus enters through inhaled droplets, it replicates in our nasal passage causing us a sore throat. Thus, if you feel a sore throat for more than a week, get a covid test.

What are the mild symptoms of COVID-19?

Coronavirus symptoms may vary from mild to severe. Some common upper respiratory symptoms such as common cold, cough, slight fever, and weakness are mild symptoms that can be treatable with self-isolation and some medications. Moreover, some people also feel stomach-related problems like diarrhea, which causes a severe loss of fluid from the body. Although diarrhea is less likely to occur, one should know it could be an indication of the presence of covid.

What is the difference between the coronavirus and the influenza virus?

The frequency of transmission is an important factor in the differentiation of two viruses. Influenza virus has a shorter incubation period and shorter serial period than covid-19. Thus, influenza can spread faster than the coronavirus. When the serial interval – the time between successive cases is 5-6 days in covid-19, the influenza virus has 3 days.

Furthermore, the presymptomatic transmission- before the onset of symptoms of influenza is a major operator for the transmission. While in the case of covid-19, the people who can transfer the infection at the pre-symptomatic stage are not a major transmission driver presently.

What should I do if I feel unwell during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Firstly analyze the symptoms, whether they are associated with covid or not. The common symptoms are common cold, fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, weakness, while the less common symptoms are skin rashes, headaches, diarrhea. If you experience any symptoms for more than 5-6 days or a week isolate yourself.

Don’t interact directly with someone until you fully recover. Wear a mask, and follow the precautions to prevent others from infection. Don’t wait for any severe symptoms and isolate yourself.

Get a covid test from your near health authority. You can take over-the-counter medicines for fever and pain. Pay attention to your diet.

If you experience any trouble in breathing or any other severe allergic reaction seek medical help immediately. Keep yourself updated with the latest information about covid via health websites such as WHO.

What is asymptomatic case of COVID-19?

Being asymptomatic means you don’t have symptoms associated with covid, but you are infected. It will be revealed by antibody testing. You may be living with a corona-infected person unknowingly. A recent study showed that every one in 5 cases is asymptomatic. This case happens in young children and young adults often. Antibody testing can help in testing whether the person has or has had the covid infection.

In what conditions does COVID-19 survive the longest?

Covid-19 survives the longest at room temperature, or lower. The low humidity conditions, below 50%. While in exposure to UV light or sunlight it dies quickly, like other viruses.

Can fans be used safely inside during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes, because direct air blowing from the infected person to another person increases the chances of transmission. If the use of a fan is unavoidable, then you can open the windows and doors to minimize the air blowing by the fan. Thus, it’s better not to stay in a closed room in a group for too long.

How can I reduce stress down during the coronavirus pandemic?

Well, during this pandemic having stress is a common scenario nowadays. You can manage stress by regular yoga and meditation. Some breathing techniques and exercises will help in calming your mind and relaxing the body. Don’t watch too much news, distract your mind by doing anything you love. You can cook, paint, listen to music, watch a movie. Stay connected to your friend through chats and calls. Hence, make a schedule for yourself and follow. Don’t overlook the situations and news.

Can the coronavirus disease be transmitted in hot or humid climates?

There are no specific climate conditions for the spread of coronavirus. It can spread in all climates. So, when it spreads irrespective of the climate, better to take protective measures to prevent the infection. If you are traveling to someplace or live in any particular area, wear masks, frequently clean your hands. Moreover, through recent studies, it has been shown that the virus spreads through aerosols, not through the surface. Hence, you have to be careful about the air exposure too.

What are some ways to maintain a healthy diet during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Take a complete diet including green vegetables, fruits, and whole wheat products like wheat, rice, and oats, and meat, fish, dairy products like eggs, milk.

Take enough vitamin c products including fruits and also you can use vitamin C over-the-counter supplements for better immunity. Avoid the use of more than 5g salt per day. Buy foods by checking the sodium content on the labels. لعبة بينجو Always use iodized salt. Don’t use salt to sprinkle over salad, use certain spices or herbs instead.

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