Endometriosis cyst forms inside the lining of the endometrium which is the inner lining of our uterus. The reason for their formation is not known yet. Sometimes, cyst develops on its own. البينجو Cyst tissue can be developed and grow into other parts like the fallopian tube, lining of the pelvis, and abdomen (peritoneum), and bladder. When this particular tissue of endometrium grows outside of the lining, called endometriosis. موقع قمار Endometriosis stages are four: minimal, mild, moderate, severe.
The cyst can also get to your ovaries and is called an endometrial cyst or endometrioma. The cyst can form either on one or both ovaries. Cysts are often small as 2 inches and can be increased as 8 inches in size.
How Does It Feel To Have An Endometriosis Cyst?
Here are some common signs which could say endometriosis cyst symptoms such as:-
Pain in the lower abdomen
Pain gets worse during periods( dysmenorrhea)
Heavy bleeding
Pain during sex
Some women also feel pressure, while some don’t notice any specific symptoms. The cyst can only be diagnosed by a pelvic exam or by ultrasound.
Risk Factors
As with every condition, this too has some risk factors and should be prevented soon by diagnosis and treatment.
Chronic pelvic pain
Make it difficult to conceive
May interrupt fertility treatments
Interfere function of your ovaries and reduce performance
Diagnosis is either by pelvic exam or ultrasound. But first, you need to tell your experience about your doctor with pain, discomfort, or anything else.
In short diagnosis consist of the following methods:-
Pelvic exam
Blood test
During a pelvic exam, your doctor will press the areas on your belly. This may spot a cyst. When the cyst is not diagnosable by pelvic exam, the doctor may suggest imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI. In ultrasound, the sound waves are used to create an image, while MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) provides a better overview of the ovaries, by creating a powerful magnetic field.
In case you are pregnant, your doctor may take your blood to check for any infection. Another more advanced method is laparoscopy, which is done by making a small incision in the belly area and then a camera is inserted into it. This method closely shows up the cysts, their size and analyzes the best way to remove them.
How To Explain Endometriosis Pain?
Endometriosis pain is uncomfortable and worse while having periods. Cramps during periods increase due to cysts. Apart from this, fatigue, bloating, diarrhea or constipation can occur. You can talk to your gynecologist freely about this.
Let’s discuss all the possibilities that could come out of endometriosis:-
Pelvic or belly pain
Leg pain
Pain in back
Painful bowel movements
Pain during sex
Endometriotic Cyst And Pregnancy
Most of the women with such conditions conceive naturally and have a natural delivery. But few women with endometriosis or endometriosis cyst find trouble conceiving.
The question is how does endometriosis interfere with pregnancy? Well, women with severe endometriosis will have abnormal cells and scar tissue. Those abnormal cells could block the eggs that the ovary releases, block the tubes, or even stop the function of tubes.
But, in women with mild endometriosis all would not happen. In those with severe stage, the endometrial cells get inflamed and interfere with the levels of hormones that women need to get pregnant.
Treatment will be depending upon the severity of the condition. Hence, your doctor will ask your age, know your pain, if you have a plan for a baby in the future. So, based on these factors they will consider your treatment type.
We will be talking about main three types of treatments of endometriosis cyst:-
This method applies when your cyst is so small and doesn’t need immediate treatment. The doctor will suggest you wait for 6-8 weeks to observe if it goes itself. Diagnosis will be done through ultrasound to make sure it’s present.
Medicines called GnRH agonists are given to shrink your cyst. These agonists temporarily turn you to menopause. Consequently, your ovaries stop releasing estrogen and will ease the symptoms.
Though, the use of GnRH has some side effects too, such as hot flashes, depletion of bone density, less sex drive. Women who are planning for a baby shouldn’t use it.
Surgery is the last option left when medicines won’t work or the cyst is larger than 1.5 inches. Surgery is done to prevent the cyst from twisting or breaking that could make the symptoms severe.
When there is a possibility that your doctor drains out the fluid inside the cyst, in some cases the cyst has to be taken out. Removing a cyst is the best option to prevent further growth. العاب القمار اون لاين
For women who don’t want to get pregnant in the future and are dealing with the cyst, doctors can remove the ovaries. In some cases of high severity, even the uterus is taken out, but only when nothing else works. You need to diagnose in which condition you fall.
Endometriosis cyst is curable with the right treatment and early diagnosis. Any discomfort which is not normal might or show to you the presence of a cyst. Especially when it can interfere with your fertility as well. Talk to your gyno and ask for the right treatment.